Federally insured credit unions, like Veritas Federal Credit Union, offer a safe place for credit union members to save money. All deposits at federally insured credit unions are protected by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), with deposits insured up to at least $250,000 per individual depositor. Credit union members have never lost a penny of insured savings at a federally insured credit union. Additional information on National Credit Union Association (NCUA) share insurance coverage for consumers is available at MyCreditUnion.gov.
A credit union, like ours, is a not-for-profit business, run by a volunteer board of directors on behalf of its members (not customers). When you deposit $25 into a share account of our credit union, you inherently become a member of Veritas Federal Credit Union. Our not-for-profit status means after expenses are paid and reserves are set aside, surplus earnings are returned to YOU in the form of higher dividends, lower loan rates, and free or low-cost services.
Credit unions are part of a worldwide support network that shares ideas, information, and resources. This network includes (among others) shared branches, state credit union leagues, and a national trade association (Credit Union National Association or CUNA).
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